Schools and communities cluster.

Article by Elffyman

Schools and communities cluster. – Education – K-12 Education

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Curriculum tops the list of topics in the Teaching and Learning cluster with 16 abstracts. A rather broad range of issues is examined among the abstracts in this topic including reading curricula, advanced placement programs in rural schools, and physical education. This topic also includes a number of rural-specific abstracts. Two abstracts, for instance, focus on agricultural education. Another abstract of particular note concerns a study regarding the perceived conflict between meeting state content standards and providing locally relevant curriculum.

Health Education and Literacy Development are two other topics in the Teaching and Learning cluster. Both topics are about the content and delivery of instruction. Cultural Diversity and Education concerns how racial and ethnic diversity is incorporated into curriculum and instructional materials and the effects these materials have on students. Abstracts dealing with the topic of Assessment are about issues related to measuring what students learn from the curriculum and instructional materials.

Two topics in this cluster relate to teachers and staff: Teacher and Staff Characteristics, and Teacher-Student Relationships. Abstracts coded with the topic of Teacher and Staff Characteristics primarily examine the practices and characteristics of teachers and support staff such as school counselors, occupational therapists, and school psychologists. These issues include how teachers manage conflict, their teaching styles, and their personal traits. For example, one study compared the qualifications of rural and nonrural science teachers. Abstracts coded with the topic of Teacher-Student Relationships concern how teachers view and interact with students, and vice versa. Two studies in this topic examine the issue of gender equity for girls. Though not identified as a specific topic in this study, gender equity is an area in which there are specifically rural issues arising from traditional views of females held by some rural communities.

The two remaining topics in this cluster are Early Childhood Education and School Reform. The first topic speaks for itself. The second, School Reform, is about a wide range of issues including teachers’ perceptions of school reform, characteristics of exemplary schools, and barriers to implementing school reform measures in schools.

Schools and communities. The Schools and Communities cluster (see Figure 2) is comprised of six topics encompassing 44 articles, making it the second largest cluster. The largest topic in the cluster is Parent Involvement (n = 16), which is often cited as an important component of school improvement. Among the issues examined are patterns of parent involvement in rural schools, effects of parent involvement on student achievement, parent attitudes toward public education, and teacher communication with parents. The relatively large number of articles (n = 15) grouped under the School-Community Relationship topic reflects the close connection that exists between rural schools and their communities.

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