The very first method is a home made method which we often use for the facial purpose. This method is lemon and honey method. The lemon honey method is age old method for the treatment of the skin. In this method, the lemon slices are taken and are rubbed off against the surface of the underarms. Also, the honey can also be mixed which will give good results. After rubbing the lemon juice, it is allowed to stay in the armpit for about 20 -30 minutes and then t is washed off. This method shows good results after some regular use. It can be applied twice in a day to get best results. The next method is a clinical method that will make you to visit a dermatologist. This method is the peeling of the skin method. In this method the dermatologist will help you to get the clean under arms by peeling off the skin layers of this area. The outermost layers of the cells that are black are carefully removed by skilled dermatologist. This will help you to get the white underarms that you must have dreamt off. Again the next method is the cosmetics method. There are various bleaching agents that are available in the market. These bleachers will help you to whiten the underarms area by acting as oxidants. The underarms area will become white with the use of the bleacher but sometimes when your skin is sensitive to the chemicals, these bleachers can also harm the skin. The next method is the use of the alpha arbutin cream. The alpha arbutin cream is by far the most effective method by which you can get clean underarms. The alpha arbutin cream is used when you have hyper pigmentation in this area. The alpha arbutin cream shows instant results as compared to the beta arbutin cream. Also the use of the alpha arbutin cream is safe ad it doesnt shoe any side effects. There are various types of the alpha arbutin available in the market. The last method includes the change of the soap and the deodorant habits that you follow. You must avoid deodorant use d also take the help of the talcum powder to avoid any sweating problems.
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