Remodeling Your Bath on a Budget


 It really depends on just how much money you have and how much work you
want to get involved in to make the changes you want to your bathroom.
Whether it’s a partial remodel like painting the walls, or completely
removing and reinstalling a whole new bathroom, budget is always going
to be a decision you need to make.If you just want to give your
bath a new feel without going into bankruptcy trying to replace
everything, a simple paint job can work wonders. Make sure you get paint
that has anti growing agents in it to keep any mold or mildew from
growing in the humidity, especially if you take a lot of showers. Adding
a new set of curtains if you have window will add a new feel to the
room as well and, maybe a rug or two to even it all out. If the
floor is looking a bit old, you can always buy some of the self-adhesive
flooring tiles and install them yourself. Depending on how big your
bathroom floor is, you can usually get by with this remodel for under
$100. These tiles are the peal and stick variety and can be placed over
the top of just about any flooring material you may have. They are
simple to use and easy to trim to the right sizes with a razor knife. When
working on a tight budget, think of the things you can reuse that only
needs a bit of paint or stain to make them look like new again. You
won’t have to replace as much if you can change the look of what you
have in some way. Another great way to change the look and feel is by
changing up the light fixtures. This gives you a different atmosphere
and takes only a few minutes to accomplish. Changing the light can
change the entire room and cost little.SummaryRemodeling
your bathroom on a budget doesn’t have to be a headache if you use some
common sense and reuse some aspects of your décor.



Home Renovation 101 – Tips and articles on bathroom remodeling and small bathrooms remodeling.