Massage Schools

While there are massage schools and universities, programs vary in number, as well as the total number of hours to complete the course. A number of schools offering massage therapy certificate may request a minimum and / or university classes, but there are some universities offer full massages, practical training, and may include more than 1000 hours.

He is good as there are hundreds of different modalities of massage, isAs for prospective students to read carefully the schools of massage, so they can determine if specific academic program is right for them. In many cases, therapy, schools and universities offer massages at least 2-3 different body styles, but art can offer many other disciplines and therapeutic healing.

University courses are regularly based massage massage: Swedish massage, sports massage and Deep Tissueand may, by general education in the humanities, sciences (anatomy and physiology), business, career and work ethics, psychology and other related topics of study are supported.

Elective or non-university studies and practical training in aromatherapy massage, acupressure, canine and / or equine massage, chair massage, geriatric massage therapy, infant massage, Kinesiology, lymphatic drainage,medical massage, orthopedic massage, prenatal and postpartum massage, reflexology, shiatsu and – just to name a few.

In addition, colleges and schools of massage usually offer internships for students, allowing them to gain practical experience client.

approach to training may vary but are often covered by hospitals, medical centers, stadiums, offices, veterinarian, assisted living and other facilities for the elderly, family doctorsPractice, sports clinics, and hospice home care.

In general, students who have successfully completed a university course of at least 500 hours of massage *, a certificate of completion or diploma is earned at the national level and can be certified by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. In addition, colleges often offer courses on site massage, which can be taken by home study courses and through distancelearning programs.

As an incentive, colleges and schools of massage usually give students the opportunity to attend courses in both full and part-time, and can also offer day, evening and weekend classes as well.

For more information on massage instruction and other learning programs, search our site for more detailed information and resources.

* 500 hours may be required to support the NCBTMB certification exam, as individual statesRegulations and guidelines.

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