Learn few things before replacing your floor

One of the first things that you need to consider is whether you are going to be hiring one of the flooring contractors in Mississauga that is available. Hiring a contractor can help you to cut down on the amount of time that it takes to complete the project. In addition, they can have a significant impact on how clean the overall project happens to be as they will take more time to close off the rest of the house so that dust is not going to be a problem from the project. Although it is not always necessary for you to hire flooring contractors, particularly if you consider yourself to be a handy individual, they can be of benefit and you should consult with one before the project is started.

Regardless of whether you are hiring one of the flooring contractors in Mississauga or not, you should make sure that you prepare the home as much as possible before the work begins.

Any electronics that happen to be in the area should be disconnected and removed from the area. In fact, it is a good idea to package those items, particularly if you’re going to leave them within the work area. Electronics do not do well with the dust that takes place during the flooring project and you certainly would not want to sacrifice those items while doing your floor.

Additional items should be considered before the installation day, such as removing items from the top of tables and dressers and making sure that everything is up and off of the floor. If you’re going to be hiring one of the flooring contractors in Mississauga, be sure to discuss this with them in advance so that you can have everything to their specifications.

It is likely that they are going to move the larger pieces of furniture if you use them for the flooring job but you would not want them to be responsible for the smaller, more delicate items.

Finally, you should consider the valuables that are in the area. Even if you are hiring one of the flooring contractors in Mississauga that are licensed and bonded, you should still protect your valuables because they may have sentimental value as well. If possible, you will be living in another area of the home during the time that the project is being done but it may also be necessary for you to move out of the home, particularly if you are asthmatic or have any other breathing problems. Discuss this with the flooring contractors that you are using to ensure that everything is set up properly and that you and your family are as safe as possible.

Jazz albart the author of this article is a contractor in mississauga and presently writing on home renovation ideas. Read his reviews about http://www.the-reno-man.com/”>contractors in Mississauga .

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Play and Learn with Educational Jigsaw Puzzles!

Article by Marina Neiman

Play and Learn with Educational Jigsaw Puzzles! – Education

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Jigsaw puzzles have been entertaining children and adults for centuries. Wooden puzzles were originally created by painting a picture onto a flat piece of wood, then using a jigsaw to cut out the pieces. A man named John Spilsbury is credited with making the first commercial jigsaw puzzle around 1760. His educational puzzles were of maps, and were used to aid in teaching young children geography. As the children put the pieces of the puzzle together, they were able to learn where different countries and regions were. Because of ease of mass production, many modern jigsaw puzzles are made from cardboard. Puzzles for younger children may also be made of brightly colored plastic or foam. These puzzles have larger pieces, which are easier for young hands to manipulate. Simple wooden puzzles, often three dimensional, are also common. These puzzles have large, easy to manipulate pieces and often form animal or human shapes.

Jigsaw puzzles can be great educational tools. For very young children, they help problem solving and motor skills, while teaching them the forms of animals, people, and much more. Puzzles for children were the primary form of jigsaw puzzle until 1900 or so, when the first more complicated puzzles were produced for adults. It is common for adults to glue down a completed jigsaw puzzle to save their work, whereas children are more likely to take it apart so that it can be put back together again. Doing jigsaw puzzled develops several functions of the brain at once. Reasoning, deduction, analysis and logical thought are exercised in the completion of jigsaw puzzles, as well as physical hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness. This is the case for all jigsaw puzzles, not just the ones marked “educational.”

Jigsaw puzzles can be an important part of the learning process for children, though they should be supplemented with other material. In order to maximize the educational value of a puzzle, it needs to be a part of the learning process, not all of it. A geography puzzle, for example, does not by itself provide all of the information to pass a geography test. The advantage of using puzzles to supplement traditional lessons is that some children are spatial learners. They can better grasp facts when they have some object to move and correlate with their lessons. Visual learners can also benefit from jigsaw puzzles. By seeing the image go together, the information contained within it is better absorbed. Jigsaw puzzles are a fun problem to solve. They can make learning fun and help information to be better absorbed by children. The interesting shapes and process of putting puzzle pieces together, help develop important skills for later life.

About the Author

Marina Neiman, author and mother of two, writes for http://www.1888Toys.comEducational Toys Store, featuring broad selection of educational toys, developmental games and educational jigsaw puzzles for children.

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Marina Neiman

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Marina Neiman, author and mother of two, writes for http://www.1888Toys.comEducational Toys Store, featuring broad selection of educational toys, developmental games and educational jigsaw puzzles for children.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Learn Key Stage 2 P.E (Physical Education)

Article by Kaye McArdle

During Key Stage 2 pupils enjoy being active and using their creativity and imagination in physical activity. When I was at school, P.E was my favourite part of the week and could not understand why some of my friends ‘forgot their P.E kit’ to get out of doing physical activities!

Anyway, when doing Physical Education, pupils learn new skills, find out how to use them in different ways, and link them to make actions, phrases and sequences of movement. They enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They develop an understanding of how to succeed in different activities and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

They will learn to gain new skills and perform actions and skills with more consistent control and quality; they will plan, use and adapt strategies, tactics and ideas for individual and group activities. While abiding to the Health and Safety aspects associated with P.E, they will learn and understand the rules of a game, such as Netball. Football. Basketball.Swimming.Athletics.Gymnastics.Dance.

Another factor on P.E is that pupils understand the scoring and points systems and timings specific to each activity. Although P.E is usually associated with physical activities and games, a large part of the learning is educational. During this education, along with the physical aspect – pupils will study how exercise affects the body in the short and long term, why it is good for their health and well-being, how to warm up correctly, the reasons why warm up is important and why appropriate clothing and hygiene is important to P.E.

Science plays a part in P.E also, with regards to life processes and living things, including how the heart acts as a pump to circulate the blood through vessels around the body and lungs, and the understanding about the effect of exercise and rest on your pulse rate.

Have you got an interest in online education at Key Stage Two Level, typically children aged 7-11?

Nowadays, more and more parents are seeking online educational tools to help teach their children. With the wealth of material that is now available online, it is very easy to teach your own child. I am not suggesting pulling them from school and doing it all yourself! Unless of course this is a route you have carefully considered. You do not have to be qualified to teach your child, just access to the internet and the time.Spending as little as 40-50 minutes per night Monday to Thursday is more than enough to boost their learning with great noticeable results.

Combining games with learning is a fantastic way to teach children, making education fun for them is the key to success. Based on this rule http://www.keystagetwo.com, a virtual learning environment has now become one of the top websites for Key Stage Two pupils. The website successfully manages to combine learning while kids play Buccaneers and Lobsters, which is great fun for the little ones – and with the added benefit of learning at the same time!

As KeyStageTwo.com is compliant with the National Curriculum in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, UK schools are now availing of the service. On completion of quick set-up and installation, Schools and teachers use it for…..

-Saving time on marking tests. -By issuing homework online, reducing photocopying and paper costs.-By using the individual and class results summary, pinpointing areas requiring improvement, thus raising children’s performance.-Clearly viewing children’s analysis displaying strengths and weaknesses, allowing the teacher to focus on them and provide feedback where necessary.

Parents use the system under two scenarios, firstly if their children’s school is enrolled in the system already, parents can log on and view their own child’s performance and results, tracking their progress. They also use it to read teacher feedback and use the system with their little ones on a one-to-one basis. Secondly, if a child’s school is not yet enrolled parents can sign up to the system for just ten pounds per month offering unlimited anytime access to all the resources, effectively tutoring the child themselves, at a tiny fraction of the traditional tutoring costs.

Finally, and most importantly KeyStageTwo.com offers fantastic benefits for the kids, too many to mention here! Nip over to the website to learn more, for which I have provided a link here http://www.KeyStageTwo.com

We would love to have you on board, whether you are a school, primary teacher, parent, tutor or even just a casual reader seeking educational resources with a difference!

Learn Each Shopping Behavior of Your Customer via Advanced Reports Magento extension

Article by Jack Davison

Well, if you aren’t able to do analysis of your existing activities, utilizing comprehensive as well as up-to-date reports it gets very hard for you to carry out your business efficiently & effectively. However, the recently rolled out Advanced Reports Magento extension proves to be your best & efficient reporting partner as it helps your company achieve success in today’s competitive, fast-paced market place.

With the help of this brand-new Magento extension, you cannot only get sales details more than before, but the details can also be used to better know about your business status. The Advanced Reports Magento module allows you to run reports by hours, weeks, days, countries, and further other criteria. You can also use this module to obtain complete picture of your business situation. In brief and sound, the Advanced Reports Magento extension is an ideal product that helps you in maximizing the profitability of you organization.

Benefits & Features

The Advanced Reports Magento extension enables reporting data to be exuded by: Week, Day, Quarter, Month, and Year.

The Advanced Reports extension comes with many pre-defined “reporting period” ranges, such as: Last 7 days, Last business week (Monday-Friday), Today, Yesterday, Last week (Monday-Sunday), Last month, This month, Custom date range.

For each report you are allowed to customize:

*orders selection by “Create at” or “Updated at”

*column view

*order status

Other specialized options offered by basic Advanced Reports are as follows:

*”Bestsellers” report. You can use this report to show information about the products your customers most frequently purchase over a period of time.

*”Sales by Hour” report. You can use this type of report to do analysis of the purchasing hours during your online or traditional store.

*”Sales by Day of Week” report. You can make us of this report to create a Week Day report for any week day.

*”Sales by Product” report. It allows you to compare the sales of several products for any period of time.

*”Sales by Country” report. It helps you maintain sales reports by country, which is especially critical if you’re operating on a global level.

*”Sales Report” This unit displays you the purchase date and time of products sold during a specified period.

*”Sales” report. It is an augmented Magento Sales Report that you can use to display sales data on the chart and set up the pre-defined reporting period range.

*”Users Activity” report. You can use this report to observe the activities of customers, as reviews, new accounts, orders, etc at any point of time.

*”Sales by Customer Group” report. This is one of the amazing features of this module that allows you to see sales by groupings of customer types.

*”Products by Customer” report. With this report, you can learn how many products the customers have purchased so far. This lets you to learn about your customers by majority and minority.

SynapseIndia has got an expert team of Magento professionals that can customize Magento, as per your requirements.

This article has been written by a technical writer working at SynapseIndia – a magento website development company of india offering Magento module development and Magento customization services to the worldwide clients.

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An Educational Tool Like Puzzles for Children Enables them to Play and Learn

Playing with puzzles is not a new phenomenon. Both children and adults have been doing that for ages. Puzzles like the jigsaw ones are really entertaining. In earlier days it was the wooden puzzles. Pictures were painted on pieces of wood and by means of a jigsaw the pieces used to be cut out. It was during 1760 that the first jigsaw puzzle was introduced commercially. The name of the man who created it was John Spilsbury. The puzzles for children created by him were actually maps. Young children learning geography were greatly benefited by these educational puzzles. Those puzzles helped the children learn about countries and regions.


Gradually modern jigsaw puzzles were made on a mass scale. Cardboard was used as a raw material to make these puzzles. Later on plastic and foam were used to make puzzles for children (in Danish puslespil til børn) These brightly colored puzzles are great for children to play and learn.

Since the pieces are large it is easy to manipulate them particularly by young children. Nowadays you have three dimensional wooden puzzles which are simple. The shapes that are used today are either that of an animal or a human being.


Children who play and learn (in Danish leg og lær) through puzzles develop faster. These educational tools aid children to improve their problem solving and motor skills. Since these are available in the shape of animals, humans and other interesting forms children learn a lot about them.

Not only children but adults too play with puzzles. It is a sort of brain teaser. Today you have complicated puzzles which were introduced after 1990. The brain has\ several functions and playing with puzzles help develop these functions. Puzzles help improve reasoning, logical analysis, numerical calculations and much more. Regarding the physical aspect these puzzles help improve hand-eye coordination. These even impart spatial awareness.


Puzzles are an integral part of the learning process. Children should be given access to puzzles from an early age. Since subject specific puzzles are available nowadays a child can get lot of valuable information from such puzzles. A lot of children are spatial learners and they learn better when they handle objects which are related to the subject that they are learning. Since puzzles also have images these are also beneficial for children who are visual learners. Problem solving can turn out to be a fun exercise with puzzles. When learning is fun children enjoy and develop interest in it. Later on it helps to develop career skills.


Buy educational toys(in Danish pædagogisk legetøj) from ABCLeg.


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