SAP Business One Reseller News: Crystal Reports

Article by Alba Spectrum

If you have SAP B1 ERP implemented in your organization, you are probably already familiar with internal reports, queries, XL Reporter and in this small publication we would like to give highlights on Crystal Reports. Each reporting tool has its own pluses and drawbacks, and you should try multiple tools, if your reporting needs are broad: from Financial reporting (Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statement) to Operation reporting (Sales by Regions and Items, Sales Commission Report, Project Profitability to name a few examples), plus if you need industry forms, such as Bill of Ladings, Agent Settlement Report:

1. XL Reporter. This reporting tool is very end user friendly and if you are accountant, who is neither comfortable nor familiar with SQL scripting, this report should fit your needs. This report is deploys Microsoft Excel tools and it has VBA extension to MS Excel. However this reports design tool works with predefined SB1 objects: Business Partner, Account, Item, Price List and similar, and you are limited in building custom links. And this is understandable

Basic Facts About Credit Reports

Article by Roger Peter

This article will give you a bird’s eye view of what credit reports are and some important factors that you should be aware of.

What are credit reports?

To put it in simple words a credit report is a record of all your borrowing and repaying history. It has data related to all your financial transactions, loans taken, credit card usage, repayment history, late payments and bankruptcy to name a few. So checking your credit report can give anyone a complete idea of how well you manage your credit and if you are credit worthy. You can get more information about credit reports here.

What is the use of a credit report?

A credit report contains all information about your credit history. It can tell anyone if you are a responsible borrower or a reckless one. A good credit history is reflected in your report with a higher credit score and vise versa. The information on your credit report can be highly useful to lenders are other financial institutions who can refer the reports to ensure they are giving a loan to the right person. Generally lenders shy away from people having a poor credit score and they can give loans with lower interest rates to those with good scores. So in a way a credit report also acts as an external element forcing you to borrow responsibly.

Who records my credit history?

The recording part is done by three credit agencies namely Experian, Equifax and Transunion. Whenever you fill out an application for credit from a bank/financial institution the information is forwarded to all these three agencies. All these three agencies work individually and hence there are chances that your report will have slight differences with each agency.

What is a 3 in 1 credit report?

A 3 in 1 credit report is a reporting format that includes reports from all three credit agencies namely Experian, Equifax and Transunion. This is the best and simplest way to get access to all three credit reports in one shot rather than approaching and requesting reports from each agency separately. In addition to the ease of information access a 3 in 1 report is cheaper and saves you a lot of time as well.

How often should I check my reports?

You can check your reports once every year but to be on the safer side it is always better to have a credit monitoring firm monitor changes to the reports on a regular basis. This will ensure that you stay clear of credit fraud. A monitoring firm will intimate you against any major changes made to your credit report within 24 hours. This gives you a chance to check your credit report and ensure that those changes are valid and have not been made by unauthorized parties.

How can I check my reports?

The easiest way to do this is to apply online. But ensure that you are applying through a trusted source. You get access to one free credit report every year which you can get from This is the only place where you should apply to get your free credit repot

What if I have used my free credit report?

You get access to a free copy of your credit report every year which you can order from In-case you have used up your free credit report you can still get access to your credit reports through other agencies. You can either directly approach one of the credit agencies or apply through other companies that work for these agencies.

Get a copy of you 3 in 1 credit report at and save!

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Advantages of Reports in Silver Light

Article by Fahim

Reports in silverlight rely on cross-browsers, cross-platforms, and cross devices that are rooted from technology. Take for example the reports. Like the silverlight reports, these promise to be quite suitable for programs that heavily rely on RIA or Rich Internet Application. In fact, reports in silver light are also associated with Software as a Service or the SaaS.

Look at reports as very integral to the business. There are reports for the employers to let them know where the business is heading. If you make reports in silver light, you get to present to them what they should know in a language that they could understand. At the same time, reports in silver light are very interactive and contain rich visualization features which anyone can appreciate. You can optimize the previous reports to the reports in silver light that you are currently working on.

More often than not, reports in silver light are distributed all over the web. The web serves as the interactive network for anyone who is interested to view, print, and export the report that you made. It is like the PDF files. You can upload these on the web and anyone can download it. Reports in silver light offer the same feature. But then again, the browsers are not designed to work with the reports so you still have to customize the finish product to allow downloading of the whole report.

If you have the software that accommodates your reports in silver light, you would notice that it has fast report uploading. Every single page is loaded separately and it gives you a preview of what your over-all report would look like. This saves you from the time of loading the entire report and just checking it there by then. You have silver light report control in the sense that you get an overview for every section that you are working on.

It also allows you to zoom to any perspective. Reports in silver light come in a lot of options. You can choose the dynamic, percent, and regional option depending on the presentation that you have. Just check easy navigation and fast search so that you can have access to the report panning of your choice.

There are a lot of advantages when you do reports in Silver Light. For one, the program properly displays your report. It guarantees the complete match up with your reporting elements on any Win Forms preview. You wouldn’t worry about the presentation losing its quality when it is transferred. Another advantage is that there is a delicate setting up of the viewer design. All the elements correspond with the templates. Use your custom skins. The components should fit effortlessly on any application of your choice.

In a nutshell, the reports in silver light can give you the feature-rich reporting that you have long been meaning to have. If you are already good in delivering speeches and backing these up with articulate presentations, then you are on your way to being promoted. Use reports in silver light for any work-related reporting that you would have to do and you would clearly experience the benefit of investing in this program.

Here you will learn more about Reports in silverlightt and silverlight reports

.Net Report Generator for Feature Rich Reports

Article by Perpetuum Software LLC

For reports that are .net based, it is recommended that the developers make use of a .net report generator. Find out how this can help you when it comes to creating your reports.

When creating reports for your business, you give value to the current performance of your company. This is why it is necessary that you are able to provide all the necessary data that is needed so that the report can be beneficial for those who are viewing it. Most experts recommend that you show your employees the present performance of your organization so that they will discern just how well they are improving or whether they need to exert more effort on the activities that they are doing. You can assign a developer that will create the reports and if you will be making a .net based report, you can definitely make use of a good .net report generator.

You can find a .net report solution nowadays especially since there are a lot of people banking on the idea that technology makes it easier for everyone when it comes to working on different matters. A .net report generator can enable the developers to create a report that is rich in features and is flexible at the same time. Most of these tools have their own report designers that enable the developers to establish reports that are stylish and well designed. They can now create reports that are from different data sources and the outcome can be utilized both in and Windows Forms. Apart from that, the .net report generator allows the user to deliver the reports that can be exported to various formats.

In order for you to use the .net report solution, it is required that you have a .net framework so that the software application will run in your computer system. If you are ready to create reports, you have full access and control when it comes to the creation, the modification and even in the printing procedure for both the file reports and the database. There is actually no need to write your own code just so you will be able to print out the data that come from your database. In most cases, the .net report generator is enough so that the users themselves will be able to come up with a report that looks professional.

Different databases are supported including (IEnumerable, IList, IListSource, ICustomTypeDescriptor ? ITypedList); ADO.NET objects; Custom objects; Integrated SQL and XML among others. Report designers can edit the visual reports so that every property of the report will come as powerful and inspected. Toolbars also aid the developers so that they will be able to view and modify various aspects whenever there is a need for them to do such activity. They can also edit and preview the reports in text mode or they can choose the graphical method. Experienced developers will benefit from the fact that they can create long lines of code for their reports. Most of the report generators take the database queries which are written through the SQL editors. This type of editor generally also has some helpful features such as code completion and syntax highlighting. You can check and alter your reports before you choose to execute them and this is an advantage offered by the .net report generator.

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About Perpetuum Software:

The company was founded in 2002. It offers .Net software components designed for reporting, data analysis and visualization. Company headquarter is based in Russia (Barnaul) with offices in Europe (Italy) and Latin America (Brazil). It stands as Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. 3500 clients in more than 70 countries have been using Perpetuum Software products for 8 years.

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SAP Business One Crystal Reports Integration and Design

Article by Andrew Karasev

In version 8.8 there is no more need for separate add-on to integrate custom Crystal report into user interface. This is traditional reporting tool and numerous programmers and consultants are comfortable in building reports in Crystal. Let’s try to get into specifics of SAP B1 and probably recommend the ways to make bullet proof and reliable report, which doesn’t produce such annoying things as duplicate lines, wrong summaries, etc. Let’s begin with the popular method to find the table and field name that you need to deploy in your report:

1. Table and Field name. Popular method is the following. Login user interface and open the form which has the record that you would like to place on your custom report. Click on View menu on the top left corner and mark System Information. Now if you place cursor over the field in question on the left bottom section you should see the table and field names. This is good enough to give you the idea about the table to research. Tables and fields are also documented in Software Development Kit if you prefer the research to be done without bothering system users

2. Report design learning curve. It is probably not a good idea to assign the consultant who is making her or his first steps in discovery Crystal as a tool. It is often a temptation to begin design via Wizard and begin linking tables directly in report designer. What we saw people are doing in making their first steps is when they do not see real relations between the tables they are trying to fix inefficient report by placing several sub-reports. These sub-reports make the hosting report more fancy and complex to analyze in the case of such popular problem as duplicate rows

3. Professional Report Building recommendations. The first recommendation is to separate report from its base. It is good idea to build the base in the form of SQL View or even better Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server. Let’s look at SQL View method. Here you can test the result set before even opening reporting tool. And this is good point, because you should be sure that you are not leading your future report with the necessity to build links between tables and this eliminates the necessity in future duplicate lines debugging. Stored procedure gives you even more power, comparing to the view. It allows you to deploy cursors in its body and even build temporary tables to stretch linking power. Stored procedure parameters are exposed in the report as its own parameters

4. Custom SQL objects and Watch Dog service. SAP BO is three tiers application, meaning that application server is handling data adding, modification and deletion. Reporting obviously just pulling data from the tables (we assume that you do not have the idea to update records in report based on stored procedure, this would be a bit strange). It is not a good idea to push data into SB1 via SQL insert or update statements. Watch Dog is specially created to trace such attempts and report to SAP. When you are creating the view or stored procedure for solely reporting purpose – you may decide to create these objects in the company database. This is probably fine if you stop Watch Dog service and do not turn it on in the future. We also recommend you to consider the idea to create custom SQL database and place all the views and stored procedures there. When you are calling report – pass company database as the parameter of the stored procedure. In the case of the view – the way is to have separate one for each company, as view doesn’t accept parameters

5. Second Opinion. Sometimes we hear sad stories about unhappy customer who contracted consulting firm and the report was designed with numerous problems. One of the most popular is report duplication. And the cause is typically the very complex table link produced in CR directly often with report design wizard. Recommended remedy is to build SQL View or Stored Procedure, test it and when the result set is satisfying begin the design from scratch

6. Which reports are the most popular in being designed in Crystal? We would dare to name sales commission, custom project profitability, customer statement. Also SAP B1 allows you to add user defined fields to existing tables, such as Sales Invoice line for example. These fields could be made available on the invoice form in the matter of minutes for data entry without any programming in SDK. Plus you can create User defined tables. These objects are exposed to reporting

7. How about SSRS or Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services? This tool seems to be free with SQL purchase and it is exposed through web interface. Well, if you create SQL Stored Procedure or View – is it really matter if you deploy SSRS or Crystal for final report layout design? Probably not… SSRS however should be called from web browser, it is a bit more difficult to make it part of SAP Business One user interface

8. Some facts about Business One. We believe that the direct competitor is Microsoft Dynamics GP and the number of B1 installations in USA is lower comparing to Great Plains. However BO is in active expansion mode, while GP is serving existing customers with some expansion. Business One is also localized in the majority of international regions. Localization has two aspects: foreign language user interface and data entry and compliance to foreign country legislation. GP is available in English, Arabic and Spanish speaking countries in Latin America. Current version is 8.81 (we are writing this paper in July 2011) where former A and B blends are merged and you can now deploy one MS SQL Server to host B1 companies for all your foreign subsidiaries and open user interface via Citrix or Microsoft Terminal Server. SB1 is not available in Arabic

9. Where CR might not be really the great choice. We do not recommend it in designing Financial Statements from scratch, such as Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss and Statement of Cash Flow. Consider instead giving more chances to the financial statements in the user interface, they are flexible and powerful

10. Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904 (for international customers, where our representatives pick up the phone in Naperville and St. Joseph, MI call center). We have local presence in Chicagoland, Southern California, South West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). Our consultants speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese. Our core expertise is in International Business

Andrew Karasev is Microsoft Dynamics Certified Master, MVP, 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904. He is also the initiator of eFaru project and founder of Alba Spectrum information space

A Few Questions About Company Reports

Article by Dennis Scott

There is hardly any business which is absolutely protected against agreements with unreliable business partners. However, a comprehensive credit check company report may help reduce financial risks. Here are a few facts one needs to know about credit check reports.

Why business people need credit check reports

It’s not obligatory for business people to order credit check reports yet these reports can provide them with valuable information on prospective business partners. It makes credit check reports a good tool for protecting one’s business since accurate information is the key factor in the present-day business world. Reports on limited companies consist of fifteen sections and provide information on company’s details and financial aspects including such positions as cash flows, account notes, ratios, growth rates, profit and loss accounts, to name but a few. Therefore, the comprehensive company report provides a full picture of company performance. Reports on non-limited companies provide information on contact details, risk information, information on County Court judgements and businesses with the same name or address. Besides, credit check reports on companies from the Republic of Eire include mortgage details.

What types of reports can be ordered online

Most credit check companies offer two types of reports: company reports and director reports. While company reports provide financial information on companies, director reports provide information on their administration. At the moment there are 9.3 million live directorships which cover 2.5 million companies. Director reports include personal details, information on live directorships of trading and non-trading companies, directorships of dissolved companies, directorships with insolvency proceedings and resigned directorships. To obtain overall information about prospective business partners, the company report can be ordered together with the director report. Besides, company document images can provide additional details on accounts, annual returns, capital and shareholders, incorporation, mortgage, liquidation and change of name. Backscanning made it possible to scan even pre-1996 reports; now there are around 440 million images available on the Internet. All of them comply with the BSI standards for electronic image legal admissibility.

How soon reports can be obtained

At the present moment there are 9.4 million reports available online. The turnaround time of credit check companies is less than 3 days since the account receipt so business people don’t need to wait long for the necessary company report. When it comes to document images, they can be available within 12 hours.

How payment can be effected

Customers can choose from two payment options: pay as you go or Tier packages. The latter allows saving up to 80% when ordering more reports. There are four Tier levels; each allows purchasing reports within the particular price limit. However, there is no time limit within which Tier levels are valid. Account balance can be topped up at any time; the current Tier level can also be upgraded if it’s required.

All reports are compiled according to rigorous procedures of data analysis. The data for the company report is taken from reliable sources such as Companies House, Registries Trust, the Irish CRO and others which leaves no doubts about its accuracy. Purchased reports and document images can be accessed online at any time or downloaded for offline work.

For further information regarding the range of business credit check services we offer, please visit our website at

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Free Credit Reports Overview

Credit reports are very important and should be treated with seriousness. They are essential when it comes to getting financial support from creditors, loan lenders and banks. Credit rating assists in illustrating your financial habits; in terms of borrowing and spending. The creditors and loan lenders use this credit information to figure out your likelihood to default a loan. They use this information to determine loan applicants that are able to pay back. Once they establish this, they use the credit report to determine the amount that they can safely lend out to each of the applicants.

A couple of years back access to one’s credit report was limited and only special agencies could prepare it for you at a cost, until the United States Government made a legislation making the information accessible. Today, you are able to get free credit reports.

The government offers free credit reports annually to each individual. Moreover, there are many free credit report websites on the internet. They enable one to get information concerning their credit rate in a few moments. Financial institutions also recognize credit reports but they do their own checking.

If you’re barred from getting a loan, you should ask from them a copy of your credit report for they are required by the law to provide you with one as proof of why your loan was declined. This is also a way of getting access to your credit report. When searching for a credit report on the internet make sure that the site you are using is trustworthy and that it will keep your privacy, as sending personal information to just any site can cause many problems most of all identity theft.

Identity theft is a situation when a person uses your personal details to do their business transactions.

This can cause serious damage to your credit rating and could consequently affect your future financial life. With a poor credit rating, you will have a difficult problem getting any form of financial support. Therefore, you need to guard this information and only use it in sites that you have verified to be genuine and security approved

You have no reason then to be aloof concerning the state of your credit. You need to get the free credit report so that you can be able to analyze and figure out what you need to do to improve your credit rating.

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Net Report Generator for Feature Rich Reports


When creating reports for your business, you give value to the current performance of your company. This is why it is necessary that you are able to provide all the necessary data that is needed so that the report can be beneficial for those who are viewing it. Most experts recommend that you show your employees the present performance of your organization so that they will discern just how well they are improving or whether they need to exert more effort on the activities that they are doing. You can assign a developer that will create the reports and if you will be making a .net based report, you can definitely make use of a good .net report generator.


You can find a .net report solution nowadays especially since there are a lot of people banking on the idea that technology makes it easier for everyone when it comes to working on different matters.

A .net report generator can enable the developers to create a report that is rich in features and is flexible at the same time. Most of these tools have their own report designers that enable the developers to establish reports that are stylish and well designed. They can now create reports that are from different data sources and the outcome can be utilized both in and Windows Forms. Apart from that, the .net report generator allows the user to deliver the reports that can be exported to various formats.


In order for you to use the .net report solution, it is required that you have a .net framework so that the software application will run in your computer system. If you are ready to create reports, you have full access and control when it comes to the creation, the modification and even in the printing procedure for both the file reports and the database.

There is actually no need to write your own code just so you will be able to print out the data that come from your database. In most cases, the .net report generator is enough so that the users themselves will be able to come up with a report that looks professional.


Different databases are supported including (IEnumerable, IList, IListSource, ICustomTypeDescriptor и ITypedList); ADO.NET objects; Custom objects; Integrated SQL and XML  among others. Report designers can edit the visual reports so that every property of the report will come as powerful and inspected. Toolbars also aid the developers so that they will be able to view and modify various aspects whenever there is a need for them to do such activity. They can also edit and preview the reports in text mode or they can choose the graphical method. Experienced developers will benefit from the fact that they can create long lines of code for their reports. Most of the report generators take the database queries which are written through the SQL editors. This type of editor generally also has some helpful features such as code completion and syntax highlighting. You can check and alter your reports before you choose to execute them and this is an advantage offered by the .net report generator.


Preview on-line demo:



Perpetuum Software LLC specializes in development of high-quality .NET and ASP.NET software components compatible with MS Visual Studio .NET, C# Builder, Delphi .NET and other IDEs supporting .NET Framework. Such use-proven components as Report Sharp-Shooter, Instrumentation ModelKit, OLAP ModelKit, Chart ModelKit, the .NET Dashboard Suite, OLAP + CHART ModelKit and other .NET components by Perpetuum Software LLC are already well known on the software development market and are used by developers in more than 60 countries.

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Lab Reports

Tips on writing a good lab report

A lab report is a combination of both research and persuasion. After conducting a research or an experiment the students are required to prove their hypotheses using data. Typically, a lab report has seven sections; the title, introduction, abstract, materials and methods, results, discussion and literature cited. In a lab report the title reflects the factual content of the paper while the abstract gives the reader an idea of what is contained in the paper. After writing the abstract and the title, the student should then write down an introduction defining the subject of the lab report. When writing an introduction in a lab report, the student should seek to explain why the study was performed, the knowledge that exists on the subject and the specific purpose of carrying the study.

In the results section, the student should summarize the data from the experiment using tables, figures and graphs. The lab report is not complete without a discussion and a literature cited sections. In the discussion section, the student should interpret the data and furnish the reader with existing knowledge and theories on the subject. It is also important to note that when writing a lab report always italicize scientific names, avoid using the first person, avoid using contractions and be consistent in the use of tense.

Writing a good lab report is challenging

As earlier indicated, when writing a lab report, a student is supposed to use persuasive language, factual contents and show mastery in communicating.

One of the hardest sections when writing a lab report is the discussion section where the student is supposed to interpret the results and explain the logic that allows the reader to reject or accept his or her hypothesis. This is a very challenging task as it requires the reader to have a deeper understanding of the subject. In addition, the writer is required to have extensive knowledge on preexisting studies and make suggestions for improvements. This is why if you need a good lab report then it is always good to engage the services of a professional who will walk with you during the entire process.

We provide you with custom lab reports

We provide you with general science labs and specialized lab reports in fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, geography, medicine, engineering and nursing. All our lab reports are custom and we take pride in ensuring that all our customers are satisfied. Another reason why you should try us is because we have a team of qualified lab report writers who have a wealth of experience having written many lab reports for many years. All that is required of you is to furnish us with the instructions and then your custom lab report will be delivered to you in good time. You are also guaranteed that the paper will be free from plagiarism not forgetting that if you order a custom lab report from us, we shall help you from the initial stage until you get a quality lab report.

The author is associated with Lab Report Writing. The  author will assist you with Lab Report.

Vehicle History Reports Reports

In olden days and nights, there was no approach to test a vehicle’s record, so based mostly around the mechanical issue and evidence in front of us we had to bring a choice. However the most up-to-date technological advancements have modified anything. Now there exists prospective to verify a car history report with identification range. Motor vehicle heritage report is essential for the buyer although paying for a vehicle due to the fact it may make certain the safety and importance with the vehicle.

Motor vehicle heritage report is available on the internet from a number of Net organizations like,, and Carfax would seem to generally be the chief on this. The data is dragged from the repository of 1.7 billion reviews as well as other customer information details. Occasionally, this kind of businesses like Carfax keep a unit for troublesome autos to offer a clear photograph to the customer about a automobile’s reliability and replacement price tag.

This report mostly consists of nine groups.

They’re report summary, crash check out, mileage accuracy, lemon verify, ownership examine, recall check, automobile specification, guarantee examine and car historical past details.

Odometer verify is a person from the important areas while purchasing a vehicle. The worth of a car depends on the number of miles a auto is driven. The odometer is usually rolled spine from the vendor. In the event the odometer exhibits fifty five,000 miles, the Carfax or autocheck may possibly argue which the reading through inside essential functions and emission take a look at isn’t going to match up. The vendor can quickly complete falsification in odometer by rolling back again aided by the assist of application.

In sellers’ stage of view, this sort of reviews are worthwhile.

In numerous instances, the dealers will run a report dependent within the consumers’ knowledge. But these kinds of stories safeguard them from accepting a branded vehicle, which can be tough to resell.

Files for vehicle history report is gathered from a lot of departments, which includes departments of motor cars, insurance companies, and other independent resources. Within the set of speedy data communication, the level of facts tends to raise within the coming many years. Additionally, the buyers could also tap into expert services and report repairs within the long term.

Click Here to GO Vehicle History Reports

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